It was created 10,000 years ago
Lake Cornino is a small alpine lake, located in the municipality of Forgaria nel Friuli, within the nature reserve Lake Cornino.

The reserve was established in 1996. The reintroduction project for the Griffon vulture was started inside. Today at the center, among others, you can see griffon vultures in captivity and in the sky almost always numerous griffon vultures in free flight.
According to legend, Lake Cornino was created from the tears of the goddess Hera, who cried over the death of her beloved son. Her tears fell to the ground, creating a beautiful lake.

Fauna and Flora
Located in the center of Friuli, at the junction of the Karnicki Prealp and the Tagliemento River called the king of alpine rivers, the Regional Nature Reserve of Lake Cornino is a place of rare beauty, which offers visitors a wide range of landscapes and views, geological finds and characteristic fauna and flora.
The rocky walls of Mount Ledrania are an ideal natural habitat for nesting pivory and other species of birds of prey, eagles, falcones. In the forests around the lake also live, for example, scythes, nightingales, woodpeckers. On the other hand, in the riverbed you can admire water birds such as herons, ducks and gulls. Between the course of the river and Lake Cornino there will also be various reptiles and amphibians such as spotted salamander, toads and various species of newts. You can also meet typical forest mammals: antry, squirrels, hedgehogs, weaves, badgers, martens, roe deer. In fish faunal there are mainly trout varieties and river crustaceans.

The vegetation of the reserve is particularly diverse, because it changes with the succession of different climatic zones, creating a diverse microenvironment. On the plains they will place large green extens of willows, enriched with junipers and common pines. The most common plant is ostrifolia oak. Along the rocky walls grow cherries, hazel, beechs, black pears and sycamore trees.

Fun facts
The staff of the Cornino Lake Regional Nature Reserve organizes a variety of activities suitable for all types of tourists, both children and adults, experienced tourists and beginners.
The Strada del Bottecchia is one of the most popular with cyclists; characterized by a good asphalt and naturalistic glimpses of interest. The road dedicated to the glorious cyclist passes under Mount Prat, crosses the natural reserve of Lake Cornino, Lake Cavazzo (the largest in Friuli) in a preserved natural context and with picturesque villages such as Avasinis.