Floods in Greece

It’s crucial for communities to have effective flood management and preparedness measures in place to mitigate the impact of such events.

Parnis National Park

Parnitha National Park is located in the northern part of the Parnitha mountain range, which is situated near Athens, the capital city of Greece.

Fires in Greece

Greece is currently grappling with a significant challenge as devastating fires ravage its landscapes, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. The country, known for its stunning scenery and historical richness, is now witnessing a crisis that threatens both its natural beauty and the livelihoods of its people.

Regional Polish products

Polish regionals’ products are gaining in importance. They are much more
recognizable all around the World. Usually they are made according to specific
recipes, which are transferred from old generation to future generations. We
signify them by special signs. In Poland the unit responsible for …

Regional Greek products

If there is anything Greece is more famous for than its rich history, fascinating mythology or breathtaking views, it is surely its regional rarities we can’t get anywhere else, but even if we manage, they won’t be as tasty as at roots. What makes regional, native products so inimitable? It consists of lots of factors a. o. superior climating and natural conditions, e. g. long growing season, mild climate or flat cultivated sites. We cannot forget about …

Regionalne polskie produkty

Polskie produkty regionalne zyskują na znaczeniu. Są one coraz bardziej
rozpoznawalne na całym świecie. Zwykle są one wyrabiane według określonych
receptur, przekazywanych z pokolenia na pokolenie. Oznaczamy je specjalnymi
symbolami – w Polsce jednostką odpowiedzialną za prowadzenie ochrony jest …

Regionalne greckie produkty

Jeśli istnieje coś z czego Grecja słynie bardziej niż z bogatej historii, fascynującej mitologii czy zapierających dech w piersiach widoków, są to z pewnością regionalne rarytasy, których nie dostaniemy nigdzie indziej, a jeśli już nam się to uda – na pewno nie będą smakować tak jak u źródła. Co sprawia, że regionalne, rodzime greckie produkty są tak niepowtarzalne? …

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