The CIRCULAR ECONOMY as a example of ecology in Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

Inocram is a company specializing in the circular economy, they’ve mastered the art of producing WPC. With 100% recyled materials and unique production process, WPC produced by this company stands out for its durability, resistance to liquids and envariomental friendly formula.
Endangered species in Italy

There are many different species in the world. They live in different habitat and have diverse adaptations to life. Unfortunately, some of these species are threatened with extinction or have already become extinct.
Forest fires in Italy

Fires are starting to appear with increasing frequency, wreaking enormous havoc and posing a threat to both people and animals. In this article you can find out what are the causes and effects of fires in Italy.
Comparison of fauna between the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and the Łódź Voivodeship.

Each country has animal species typical for its environment that are typical for them and can be found in selected places on earth.
Isono estuary natural reserve

Isono estuary reserve is located in North east Italy (Friulia Venezia Gulia), close to the sea and in a laguna.
Characteristic grape species in Italy

Italy is one of the oldest regions where vines began to be cultivated. The Italians compete with Spain and France for the title of the largest wine producer in the entire world! In this country, more than one million vineyards extrude about 15% of the world’s wine production.
Lake Cornino

According to legend, Lake Cornino was created from the tears of the goddess Hera, who cried over the death of her beloved son. Her tears fell to the ground, creating a beautiful lake.
The role of flora in the economy of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, the land yields a remarkable harvest. Olive oil takes center stage, offered in diverse flavors, showcasing the seller’s creativity. “Kaki” or persimmons, a sweet and juicy delight, find their way abroad, backed by science highlighting their anti-cancer properties. This region’s rich soil also yields an abundance of sugar beets, cauliflower and etc. making it a culinary haven.
Fauna in Venice

A lot of animals have found their home in Venice, which, despite being a very touristy place, is a very hospitable location. During our time on the island we’ve had an opportunity to see many spieces of animals. Due to the Mediterranean climate, the archipelago is inhabited by marine creatures. Such as birds, fishes or crustaceans.
The influence of alpine minerals on the flora and the symbol of the Alps – Edelweiss

The Limestone Alps affect their surroundings while water washes away the minerals they are made of. It increases the pH of the soil, making it neutral/alkaline. As a result, the plants growing around must be adapted to such conditions. Edelweiss (the symbol of the Alps) grows in such an environment.